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The Parish of the Good Samaritan Burnley

including the churches of

Christ the King with St Teresa's, St John the Baptist and St Mary of the Assumption


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 Saint John The Baptist Group News






 The flower arranging group

A little about our flower arranging group or as Father Michael used to call us the floral artists

We are a group of ladies from very different backgrounds Glenda, Eileen, Margaret P Carole Ann, and Margaret C we all have a common love of flowers and making our church look beautiful.

Easter Altar 2019

We meet in general every 2 weeks to re-design the flower arrangements, and have a good natter. We usually design extra special arrangements for weddings and feast days, especially Christmas and Easter.

In the main we use Silk flowers and fresh foliage, but for special occasions we do use fresh flowers. If you have a wedding coming up and would like our help contact Glenda on the number below.

If anyone would like to join us you would be made very welcome.


added jan 2019



 Flower arrangment for Easter 2018


Glenda Eileen and Margaret


 The 10.45

Sunday Singers!


We sing at  Mass on alternate Sundays, our group is made up of musicians and a dozen or so people singing, sitting together at the front with a wide-angle microphone.

We aim to keep in tune! And practice for a short time after the Sunday Mass.

The serious bit - we hope to enhance the prayer and worship of the people of God, helping them to fully participate in the Mass

and so we

Invite all to come around

and swell the sound

We learn new and embrace tradition

involving all is our mission

Any instrument and voice in nature

are supplied by our creator

Drum, pick, blow

bring it along and have a go

No audition is our way

any ideas come have your say!



added jan 2019




 Eucharistic Ministers


There are a group of people who assist the priest in the administering of Holy Communion at Mass. Because of these volunteers we are able to have Holy Communion under both kinds at Weekday and Sunday Masses.


It is our hope to support those who are housebound by arranging for those who wish to receive Holy Communion at home each week. The Eucharistic Ministers take Holy Communion to those who are sick straight from the Sunday masses. 

If you know of a sick parishioner who would like to receive Holy Communion,

then please contact Tel no 01282 422007



added jan 2019





At St. John’s the sacred scriptures are read by volunteer readers. A rota is prepared to nominate the readers for each of the Sunday masses. Reader one reads from the Old Testament and leads the Psalm. Reader two delivers The New Testament and the Gospel acclamation. Reader three leads the congregation with the Prayers of the Faithful. 

Variations to this pattern occur at certain festival times such as Christmas and Easter. These arepre-arranged accordingly. Readers also assist during each daily mass. This is organised on a daily basis prior to the start of the mass, according to availability, and not on an organised rota. Readers also contribute to funerals as and when required. This is usually organised by the bereavement team.

Anyone who would like to contribute to this ministry would be most welcome. ‘Pairing’ with a more experienced reader is easily organised if new readers naturally can feel a little nervous or anxious. 

For any further details or information please contact the parish priest  or e mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





The Burnley Pastoral C.D.A. Group



The Burnley Pastoral C.D.A. (Catholic Deaf Association) group was formed 1980; the group primarily being formed to befriend the local deaf community, to learn rudimentary sign language and thereby enable the deaf community to celebrate and better understand Mass in their own unique language - sign language. The Lectionary and Sacramentary have been specifically adapted to accommodate their understanding of the written word.

Mass is signed and spoken usually on the last Sunday of the month in St John's Parish Hall at 3pm and all are welcome.

Later in the year a taster signing course is to be run so it would be advantageous for us to hear from any interested parties.

All enquires to Lynn & David on Bly 433832



added feb 2019 



MISSIO- It's more than just a little Red Box!  This 6 x 4 x 2h Red Box is faithfully filled with love,care,concern and compassion throughout the year by the wonderful parishioners of St. John's - opened and counted quarterly by our 10 dedicated Promoters - recorded by our Secretary and dutifully banked by our Tresasurer. YES, it's more than just a little Red Box - it's a magic box!!! St, John's annual collections average around £3,000 - remarkable. Monies raised support our brothers and sisters the world over who never fail to thank us and remind us we are constantly kept in their prayers as we drop a 1p  or two in the little RED BOX.




The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development.


The official Aid and Development agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales.

The CAFOD group at St John’s church has been working since 1983 and in that time, generously support by the church we have raised nearly £190,000.00p. We have supported projects across the developing world and shared with our sisters and brothers their problems, aspirations and prayers. It has been a great partnership and we have over those years learnt a great deal.  The two CAFOD Fast Days (Lent and Harvest) have been the cornerstone of our funding but the kindness of the parish extends across the whole year.  We have met many inspirational partners over the years both here at St John’s and across the diocese.   Another aspect of our involvement has been taking part in the many national campaigns CAFOD has been involved in. From Landmine eradication, Jubilee 2000 Debt Campaign, Fairtrade and the Environment to name a few. On occasions we travelled to Westminster to lobby our MP.  Early last Year Pope Francis urged us to walk, in solidarity with refugees, around the world! Some 24,000miles.! Across the country many took up the challenge and in fact walked the distance 4 times over. Here a group of us walked 4miles each and added 70miles to the total, stopping, reflecting and praying around stories of real people involved in a desperate migration. It was wonderful to be a small part of something so big.

In recent years sadly a number of our group have gone to the Lord and our numbers fell, but we were delighted when 3 members of Christ the King parish asked if we could come together as one group. This is proving very supportive for both parishes and ensuring this important work of our faith continues and thrives.  New members are always welcome, so do come along or get in touch if you are interested.

 Preparations taking place for Friday soup kitchen during Lent by Cafod members

  We meet ever 3rd Thursday of the month

in St John Vestry at 2pm in the winter months or ring/email  Anne Marie for more details.

01282 721701  amcoppock AT hotmail.com

(replace AT with @ when emailing - thanks)

Main website : CAFOD.org.uk     

Salford Office : 01617050605

added feb 2019



New Neighbours Together


Our work with asylum seekers and refugees continues to grow in our home here at St Johns. The help we have been given by the Church, the SVP and the many helpers, has enabled us to develop our services to over 100 men, women and children, on which they rely. We help people to register with a local Dr, find school places, transport costs, help them understand and deal with information they receive through the post and many other problems they have.

The Tuesday afternoon Drop In provides 2 English classes for beginners is one of the most important things we can give people is help to find their own voices and begin to take charge of their own lives and so understanding English is vital. It is chance for people to relax, chat, enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and find things need from our sharing table of quality clothing or household goods. We also have volunteers who provide a learn English at home service. We now run an additional beginners English lesson on a Thursday morning.

We want to say a really big THANK YOU to everyone who has helped, prayed, donated money or goods. We know that you are all walking the road with us and that we do this together. God Bless.

added feb 2019

 The Bereavement Ministry
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The Bereavement Ministry in our church is there to offer support and consolation to those people who have experienced grief, or are grieving at present. The team work at showing God’s love and compassion, especially during the first year of loss.

Members of the team are present at the celebration of the funeral rite to assist the Celebrant by welcoming the mourners into church preparing and being present at the service, doing whatever is necessary to ensure that they have everything they need.
After the funeral, the family is invited to send a photograph of the deceased person to be displayed in the “Garden of Remembrance” inside the church in this area the names of parishioners who have died are displayed and for each relivent month there is a photograph of those whose anniversary it is. The bereaved family is also invited to come to the “Bereavement Mass”, which is held at 12.15pm on the third Saturday of every month, in the Parish Hall. An average of 40 – 50 people addend this Mass each month and they find comfort in the chosen Liturgy and hymns. It is a chance to talk to other people who have experienced losing someone, but also a social occasion where freshly prepared food is on offer to be enjoyed in good company. If you feel that you would like to come to this Mass we would be delighted to welcome you.
If you would like to be part of the “team” we would be delighted to welcome you to that too!

added feb 2019


T Dance


In the Church Hall every Wednesday 1.30 to 3pm

Dance, chat or come along for lively music

Entrance £1 this includes tea and biscuits 

for further information call Eileen on 01282 422978


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Caritas Diocese of Salford was founded in 2010 by Bishop Brain. It was formed by amalgamating a number of diocesan charities, of which the best known and loved, was the Catholic Children's Rescue Society, which dates back to 1886. Whilst there is A National and An International Caritas Network, Caritas, Diocese of Salford, is our home charity, focusing on providing care and support for those in need in our local areas.

Caritas means 'Love of Humankind' and the vision of Caritas is of a society that confronts and fights poverty, inequality and injustice and in which all people are welcomed, valued and supported so that even the most disadvantaged can reach their full potential. Currently, 24 different services are offered and Caritas is always ready to meet new demand areas. The services provided include: helping reduce homelessness, alleviating poverty and assisting those suffering from benefits sanctions, raising awareness of human trafficking, welcoming refugees, visiting the elderly and housebound, campaigning for justice, working in schools and providing care, support and accommodation for young mothers and their babies. Caritas also provides fostering and adoption support services and a pastoral service for the deaf.

Caritas also works closely with other charities in the diocese through DiSAN, The Diocese Social Action Network and helps parishes to become more missionary, by supporting what is termed caritas with a small 'c', which are local good works undertaken in our parishes and communities, such as the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP), food banks, debt management, bereavement support and befriending the elderly and lonely.

The focus of Caritas for 2019 includes: Housing the Homeless, Building Stronger Families and Communities and Welcoming Refugees. The setting up, by Caritas, of Drop-In Centres in Rossendale and Wythenshawe, to welcome refugees and asylum seekers and provide casework support for those escaping war or persecution in their homeland, was greatly inspired by the wonderful work and dedication of volunteers who run the New Neighbours Scheme, within our own church of St. John's.

If you are interested in the work of Caritas and would like more information, you can speak to our Parish Priest Fr David Featherstone, or the Caritas Parish Representative Bernadette Seedall or you can visit the website: www.caritassalford.org.ok or contact Caritas direct on 0161 817 2270.

 Churches Working Together

Churches Working Together in Burnley brings together all the Christian churches to show a united
presence in our town.
All are welcome to attend the information evenings which occur every 2/3 months with the dates advertised in the church newsletter. Services and events are planned with connections to Burnley council, Turf Moor community team, the varied churches across the town and generally everyone who is open to share our Christian pilgrimage.

The aim?
To recognise and rejoice in one another's traditions, promoting in
whatever we can the visible unity and mission of the Church.



There has been an SVP Conference at St John the Baptist since June 1905.  We have eight full time members and two auxiliary members who help us when we have Housebound mass.

We hold monthly meetings, usually in a member’s home, which last approximately an hour. Meetings open and close with prayers and there is always a short spiritual reading which we reflect upon.

Due to Covid 19 and the restrictions placed on us all, we have not been able to visit as we did previously. Under normal circumstances we visit the Nursing and Residential Homes within our area as well as people in their own homes. We visit young and old but due to Data Protection there can be some difficulty in finding the people who most need our help.

We help financially by supporting the needy children in our Primary School and the Friendship Centre at a local church which provides lunches, on a Wednesday, to people in need and the homeless.

Requests for help are varied and come from many directions. It could be furniture, bedding, clothing, electrical white goods, food, money for gas/electric or even a man with a van to help with moving. It is very rare we turn anybody away. We try not to give money but will put money on a fuel card, buy enough groceries to take a person to their pay day or obtain the item (s) they need.  We also keep the priests at St John’s supplied with a variety of none perishable foods and toiletries for them to give to the many casuals that come knocking at the presbytery door.

Hopefully we will soon be able to start holding our monthly Housebound Mass which occurs on the first Saturday of the month when we bring some of the homebound to the Parish Hall via transport. Following mass they have a light lunch of sandwiches, cakes and brews before we take them home.

Some of our members are involved with New Neighbours Together. These are asylum seekers and refugees who live within our areas.

One member is heavily involved with the Deaf Association and has been for many years.

Should anyone wish to contact the Conference here are two numbers: -

Maria Boys 07929256406

Klaus Lamle :-07977913092

The driving force for the SVP is carrying out Christ’s instructions to love God and love your neighbour. In Our Lord’s words, “When two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them”.


Baptism Team

The newly formed Baptism Team at Saint John’s Church consists of , Sandra McGowan, Margaret Robinson   they work with the clergy of the church of Saint John the Baptist in providing support and information to the parents of children to be Baptised.
At St John's, registration takes place by contacting one of the priests after the Sunday morning Masses or by ringing St Marys on 01282 422007. You will be helped to complete an application form and be given the details fo what is required to prepare for Baptism   


 Ladies Guild

The Ladies Guild at Saint Johns Church is primarily a social gathering strengthening the community through their prayer and frendship 

We meet once a fortnight on a Wed. Evening at 7 30pm  In the Parish hall. Our activities are evenings of Music, Picture and General knowledge quizzes. Various Speakers, Demonstrations of all sorts, Poetry reading. Memory Game Indoor Bowls, Annual Domino Competition, and much more.Trips and Meals out, Spring and Christmas Fayres, and helping out with charity dos! New Members Always Welcome